Tuesday, May 12, 2009

fitness?? huahahaa

aku yang agak messy time cuti2 cmni... fikiran berkecamuk. perasaan yg bercampur-baur. dgn suasana yg not really friendly ini... i decided to release the tense. here! 1st day jog mmg agak semput. but have fun looking at some pakcik and makcik. salute their determination. grateful i'm still young, can run fast. (haaha fast? mcm tortoise ade laa),, 2nd day i'm used to it. dgr lagu n lariii.. wah cm xcaye jer aku wat mende berfaedah spt ini.. haha

nyaman cool fresh air... hahahaha jemput lah dtg.. anybodyy?? come see me weekend only ha.. aku mkn ABC kot pas jogging. sungguh hampeh. sugar itu menggemukkan kamu taw enggak?! huh =D sorryy kpd yg berkenaan ter capture pic lak.. don't sue me on the grounds of 'violation of privacy'. waaah start talking bout law.. haish boringg


ntahlantahla said...

ni exercice na kurangkan debab ke hawe??

HaWa DArLidA said...

Cis nnt org da kuwos jgn jelez. Wawawawa

ntahlantahla said...

kasi kuwus lu br org leyh jeles. =p

HaWa DArLidA said...

InsyaAllah. Hehe

Anonymous said...

mn gambor ko tgh joging nyer adk awe..hehehe

HaWa DArLidA said...

Xde. Gmbo uduh. Haha

KA said...

klakor le bace comment2 tu..
len kali snap yang ganteng2 je..
sejuk mata memandang..kah3

HaWa DArLidA said...

hukk ko gelak ye..
yg ganteng aku dtg dkt pn da pengsan
trlmpaw kacak. uawakwkaakw

HaWa DArLidA said...

hukk ko gelak ye..
yg ganteng aku dtg dkt pn da pengsan
trlmpaw kacak. uawakwkaakw

- said...

ini lah bakal lawyer yg bagus..people who bring and uphold justice everywhere (chewah..cam terover lak- privacy right?maybe this is the reason i dont go to parks)..

tp gambar cik adik (or should i say kak)yg tangkap tak nampak lak..

~~hafsah: main badminton dgn 2 adik hyperative kat rumah je (2 lawan 1!!its not fair--but still i usually win ..huahuahua[read it in evil voice mode, ne)

HaWa DArLidA said...

Haha yeah. We hold dat principle whenever, where eva. But rmember people c0me to park are invitees still duty of care owed to them. Haha let see whether d local authority had do as such. Haish amende ku mrepek. Waah hafsah u d m0st sporty am0ng us la. Duncha n0e dat? :)

HaWa DArLidA said...

Ops. Correcti0n. Intend to write licensees. N0t invitees. Haha

- said...

hehe, baik cikgu..

yer ker..depan korang je la..dpn org x kenal..nope never XD