Sunday, February 10, 2008

cOMiNG n kILLinG!

i'm coming!!huh sounds xcited rite? but not!
aarrgh so many things to cover
i'm running out of time..
y i'm so clumsy when hv test, assgnment to submit? instead of kalut2, better i rilex je kn? haha not easy to do that..
my mid sem break, not la great.. tv pn xder cte besh.. damn bored..
sum1 get engage.. hurm bez ke brtunang tu?
haha tbe2 i think beyond my area
out of d box.. org kate brtunang tu byk rintangan?
hehe cmne ek?
even in a relationship always get fighting, hurting, been hurt.. negotiation is d best way kn..
berbncang ape yg patot.. but if 2 2 pn garang..
xke mletop msg2.. hehe..
oopz crite cinte x patot di jaja..
kinda annoying to the readers.. haha
whoa my eyes da heavy2 like peti ais (is that relate?)
sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep loh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sabar....barangsiapa yg bertaqwa pd Allah, Allah akn memudahkan urusannya..(At-Talaq:4)