Friday, November 28, 2008

I hate this part~

Yea im listening to pcd new song-i guess.. Best song i juz like it! Im not goin to talk wats d meaning of diz song. I just take d title. I hate diz part, when i refused to obey sumtin, then i'll be treated like rubbish. Hey wtf? Im not your slave. I have 'right to stand' so called locus standi. I know myself very well. Im just an obedient daughter. Other people, pls! Dont made any order. And i damn hate provocation. Provoc me, makin me angry. Wats d point! I didnt do such things dat make them feel offended. I know in law, defence of provocation will reduce the charge to culpable homicide. Grr whatever i just cant stand it!

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