Sunday, February 1, 2009

Now I know…

Only now I realized that why I’m learning law now. It just bout this morning (the very2 morning) soon after subuh, I was studying this article. Before that, I had end up read the slide notes on the term of contract. Siyez xphm sgt. Just bace, at least I get an overview bout it. How cud I understand those sections of SOGA meanwhile I just used to CA1950. (hehe abbreviation made the readers more confuse, nvm..). hoho back to that article-1988 judiciary crisis and its aftermath. Sounds critical ayte? Regarding the dismissal of Lord Justice, Tun Salleh Abas and other 5 Supreme Court judges. Actually I’m reading at the table-Meja makan. Haha org pagi2 bekpez kt meja, but me g study kt situ. Ngeee x kesah la asalkan selesa.. then my mum sit together, minum susu. I was asking her.. ‘mak pasal yg kes tun salleh abas tu kan…’ xsempat nk abis tanye.. mak da bercerita. Wowww impress.. my mum is knowledgeable. i’m proud of her. She talks about what happen then and then.. just making me easy to understand. She’s clarifying everything. Really thankful on what she told me. She opened my eyes… everybody got their own mentality. I remembered my lecturer said this, ‘im okay with org kampung, but I hate mentality melayu kampung’. Harsh? But it’s the truth… xsume org mcm tu pn.. miskin harta tp kaya dgn ilmu…

Maybe dulu I’m really obsess nk jadi doctor. Influence from my sis la ni.. I should know the limit. Melihatkan ibu yg begitu mengambil tahu ttg perkembangan semasa, barulah sy sedar yg ini adalah takdir. Seorang dari anak2 beliau belajar undang2 skarang. Proud? Dunno I’m still learning. Banyak lagi ilmu utk ditimba ayte? Whatever it is, I hope I can be strong. This is real tough journey. I can’t deny it…

this is the first post-of-the-month. currently listening to...

Align Centeraerosmith-i don't wanna miss a thing. -jiwang- LMAO


anis shafikah said...

oit mak cik,sambil stdy sempat berjiwang :p

ntahlantahla said...

at last.. g blaja law power2.. ok.. sy perlukan lawyer..

ntahlantahla said...

nnti awak cite kat saye plak ye..

HaWa DArLidA said...

@anis. Muahaha cm tataw je awe kn ske dgr lgu jiwang

HaWa DArLidA said...

@farid. Nape perlukn lawyer? Ngaa r u c0mitting an offence? Crite kt awk? Buley2. Hehe

ntahlantahla said...

sy mencuri..

HaWa DArLidA said...

Curi buah pear smalam ke? Muahaha

ntahlantahla said...

erkkk.. ne taw??

Anonymous said...

additional phrase by ur lecturer..."With different personalities and different levels of reasoning and feeling, there would always be people who are different than us"...(**,)

HaWa DArLidA said...

@farid. Sy kn ade kuasa psikik. Hehe

HaWa DArLidA said...

@ary. Haha yeah dats wat he wrote. He gud enuff but.. Kui3 nvm. Cant talk nything, nnt trkutuk dia pulak. Hua3 :p

ntahlantahla said...

sy curik pear adiah merisik abg sy.. huhuuh..

HaWa DArLidA said...

Hahaha patot pn. Kui3 g msuk jel. Haha

Paan Jr said...

bestnye kalau aku cam ko..
tiap2 ari pegang buku..
tapi apekan daye..
aku malas tol

HaWa DArLidA said...

Ahaha pngakuan yg da biase paan buat. Kui3. C0me on fren, kn0w u cn do better :)

ntahlantahla said...

kemalasan membawa kesenangan

HaWa DArLidA said...

aiyak farid. babab kang! haha