Sunday, March 16, 2008


Terribly I said… heavy burden.. argh.. I wanna scream.. I just only hv less than 1 month to study.. WITHOUT study week! Is this fair for us? while others study for their exam, we go to sit for exam.. I don’t know how it feels.. maybe i feel want to cry.. cry, cry, cry inside.. no wonder la my boo said.., lembik sgt.. ciit jht punye org! haha .. my final exam is just around the corner.. rase serabut sgt.. I’ve lost a lot of my energy.. lately, I’m easy to get tired.. almost sleep everytime.. what’s happen to me?? Hawa!! Wake up! Wake up! U should survive.. ur future is important.. don’t regret ur parents.. don’t let them sad.. u’ve promised to yourself to make ur parents proud right? Supposedly u fulfill it, don’t give up.. anggapla ni ujian dr Allah.. nk uji kamu.. u’ve to be strong.. why your sister can? Why u can’t? every person is equal.. the ability is distinguished by the attempt.. DOA+USAHA+TAWAKAL.. amiinn..

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