warghh sejuk ckit mata memandang bunga2. haaha xde relate lgsung neh. one of d best moment, when u had a really2 hectic and bz day, for instance- as for me. claz from 830am till 6pm. nobody like this. the best thing is dat, dpt tdowwww afta several dizziness. i hate my daily life ni. lack of sleep. lotsa enegy absorbed ke luar. not absorbed ke dalam. huhuh 4hours per day. i still got 3years more to finish all this. bit annoyed, sumtime when deal with conlifts inner and outside. bkn sng nk sng. yeahh still afta stdy need to gv a commitment. komitmen yg mcm mane tu? aha phm2 la. lu pk ar sndiri.. (tbe2 tringat kt abg nabil *wink*)
oo..830am to 6pm..
try 8am to 8pm everyday.. wuuuu..
Ngah2 tu lg p0nat
untuk memberikan tenaga ko kene minum ayak isotonik mcm excel ke 100 plus ke...barulah bertenaga mcm akoo...hua3
haha yoyo oo ler ko.. ko kn present smbil bersandar kt whiteboard. kah3
t sy bg bunge ros idop ye..
tgk la puas2..
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