i was reading this book for the purpose of my test next tuesday(will upload later that book) . kinda misery when we have to read all. one book and it's quite thick. not really la.. it just burdening us cuz add up with consti test rite afta that test. both law papers need a 'hardcore and metal' memorizing ability. (haha i was remembered to my hardcore guy jz now)---lazyyyy xtaw nk type ape then =p transferred my strez to here. izit possible i'm manage to reduce my strez when the time is really critical now?? huuuu kurgkn tdowww is damn necessaryyyy =(
*anyway, ape kes dgn title aku tu? haha*
*anyway, ape kes dgn title aku tu? haha*
aiyakk.. bc lgkau2 je.. hehehe
Da siap bce! Haha da test pn
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