Lalalalala…~ agak seronok dpt pangkah kate2 org yg suke brlagak ni…
Last 2 days and yesterday (I’m not so sure when), ber ym dgn someone ni..
My ex-primary schoolmate…6 years, the same schooling with him.
After that I was sent to boarding school n no news from him..
Only after 5 years (we were form 5 dat time), I met his friends at jeli…
Attend entrepreneur club punye convention peringkat school.. the girls asking me, eh ko knal x mamat ni? ****? Hah yg mane? I started confuse…
Bile mase lak aku ade kwn dr serting ni… heh wrong person kot..
Then blik asrama kt jasin nuh, I got miss call..
Damn serious xske org mizkol tp x introduce diri…
At last agkat.. mane dpt number ni? He said kwn bg..
Kwn yg mane? Then he told me la the name…
Recall punye recall bru igt..
Ooh mr arrogant time aku skolah rndah dlu.. ish wtpe nk kontek aku.. huhu
Igt lg time drjh 6, tnye dia. Wey ko dpt brape a? (UPSR mode)
Ah ko x pyah taw la! (aku kne mrh)
Huh gile ah poyo nk mampus nyampah gle! Serik aku nk tnye ko dah..
N it ends there.. started fren again form 5.. haha 5 thn lame tu…
Agak suffer la coz arrogant yg x abes2.. he’s not change
That’s what I surprised most.. still poyo gle ske brlagak..
Humble? Xpyh la ckp mmg xde lgsung.. ntah knape aku mmpunyai kwn bgini? Har3
Chatting dgn dia pn cm biase ar attitude tu..
But now I’d like to smash him…
Whatever he said, yg aku xske je aku argue.. ah bangkang abes2..
I’m not small girl yet.. so, pdn muke ko…
Lalalalala seronok nye prasaan ini…
Next time jgn ajak aku tgk wayang lg ek coz aku x interested.. huhuh
N don’t say my face mcm hamster coz ur ava lg scary
Better u delete ava tu lol =p